Claims that are denied for lack of coverage often involve one or more of the parties seeking potential recovery from an insurance agent or broker. Whether it is a plaintiff seeking a source of recovery or an insured seeking money to defend against a non-covered claim, an insurance agent can often be an easy target if procedures are lax or there is a poor paper trail. Understanding the insurance procurement and advice process is critical to mounting a proper defense to these types of claims.

Florida law provides that a claim against an insurance agent is generally not ripe until the underlying coverage issue has been adjudicated. There remains a difference of opinion over what that means. Having attained his CPCU designation and 220 insurance license in addition to the extensive coverage experience he has, Bob fully understands not only what is needed to defend an E&O claim but how to prevent them.

Whether you need an E&O lawyer to defend you or your insured or whether you want advice as to how to prevent E&O claims, contact Bob for an initial consultation.

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