A proper presentation of your case at trial is a multi-pronged approach. While the primary goal is to maximize (or minimize on the defense side) your client’s recovery, a critical co-primary goal is to ensure all potential error is preserved. Oftentimes, this involves the retention of appellate counsel to assist with case preparation and review of motions, jury instructions, trial briefs and court rulings both before and during trial.

The primary issue that appellate lawyers face is the apparent failure of their client or client’s lawyers to preserve a great appellate issue at trial. This is often the difference between an appellate win or loss. Often the failure to preserve error is not revealed in an appellate opinion as the court issued a per curiam affirmance. In other instances, the appellate court points out that an issue was not preserved – often suggesting that the issue may have mandated a different result.

Bob’s extensive trial experience coupled with his appellate work puts him the best position to assist you in the preparation and presentation of your case. Having a seasoned trial consultant will certainly help you preserve all error but may also provide an objective assessment that allows you and your client to resolve the case short of or during trial. Give Bob a call for help with your trial.

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